Saturday, June 1, 2019
Ecology :: essays research papers
In the original Greek "oikos" means,"house". So ecology is "the study of the house" theplace where you live, or the milieu whichtechnically includes all those factors, both(prenominal) nonlivingand living, that affect an organism. Ecology then isthe study of the interactions of organisms in theirenvironment includes both the living (biotic) andphysical (abiotic) factors of the environment. Itsalso the science, which formulates and testshypotheses or so environment. Ecology is therelationships, identification and digest ofproblems common to all areas. Ecology studiesthe state and the community, evaluates causeand effects of the responses of populations andcommunities to environmental change.POPULATIONS The population is defined as anassemblage of individuals of a single species thatlive in the same place at the same time. Also,biologists add an additional condition theindividuals in a population must interact with eachother to the bill of being able to i nterbreed.Population is important to understanding manyimportant ecological and evolutionary phenomena.Ecologists heap use knowledge from populationecology to reckon the achievement of a given speciesor assemblage of species. One attribute ofpopulations that is discovered in nature is theirdispersion, or the counsel in which individuals aredistributed in a given area. Typically, biologistsrefer to three types of dispersion - Clustered(aggregated), unbendable (evenly spaced), Random(irregularly spaced) Populations showing aclustered trope are common in nature and arefound among many different types of organisms.Clustered dispersion patterns are often due toenvironment heterogeneity. Regular dispersionpatterns are relatively rare in nature and occurwhen a resource is scarce. A good example ofregular spacing occurs in animals that exhibitterritoriality, a phenomenon in which animalsestablish an area for themselves and fight off allother individual seeking to invade that area.R egular dispersion patterns can also be observedin plants. Random patterns can be found in avariety of organisms (trout in lake or maple trees ina forest). Regardless of which organisms, thenumber of births nigh always has the potential tobe greater than the number of deaths. In otherwords populations of all species have the capacityto grow. That spot is crucial importance to thesuccess of all species. However, all species willnot increase under all circumstance, but insteadthey can, given appropriate conditions. on that point aretwo models of population growth the exponentialmodel and the logistic model. One of the mostbasic models of population biology is theexponential growth equality, which is )N/)t =rmaxN This equation states that, in a exploitationpopulation, the rate of change in population size isdetermined by the maximal intrinsic rate ofincrease (rmax) cipher by the number ofindividuals in that population (N).Ecology essays research papers In the original Greek &qu otoikos" means,"house". So ecology is "the study of the house" theplace where you live, or the environment whichtechnically includes all those factors, both nonlivingand living, that affect an organism. Ecology then isthe study of the interactions of organisms in theirenvironment includes both the living (biotic) andphysical (abiotic) factors of the environment. Itsalso the science, which formulates and testshypotheses about environment. Ecology is therelationships, identification and analysis ofproblems common to all areas. Ecology studiesthe population and the community, evaluates causeand effects of the responses of populations andcommunities to environmental change.POPULATIONS The population is defined as anassemblage of individuals of a single species thatlive in the same place at the same time. Also,biologists add an additional condition theindividuals in a population must interact with eachother to the point of being able to interbreed.Population is import ant to understanding manyimportant ecological and evolutionary phenomena.Ecologists can use information from populationecology to predict the success of a given speciesor assemblage of species. One attribute ofpopulations that is observed in nature is theirdispersion, or the way in which individuals aredistributed in a given area. Typically, biologistsrefer to three types of dispersion - Clustered(aggregated), Regular (evenly spaced), Random(irregularly spaced) Populations showing aclustered pattern are common in nature and arefound among many different types of organisms.Clustered dispersion patterns are often due toenvironment heterogeneity. Regular dispersionpatterns are relatively rare in nature and occurwhen a resource is scarce. A good example ofregular spacing occurs in animals that exhibitterritoriality, a phenomenon in which animalsestablish an area for themselves and fight off allother individual seeking to invade that area.Regular dispersion patterns can also be observedi n plants. Random patterns can be found in avariety of organisms (trout in lake or maple trees ina forest). Regardless of which organisms, thenumber of births almost always has the potential tobe greater than the number of deaths. In otherwords populations of all species have the capacityto grow. That property is crucial importance to thesuccess of all species. However, all species willnot increase under all circumstance, but insteadthey can, given appropriate conditions. There aretwo models of population growth the exponentialmodel and the logistic model. One of the mostbasic models of population biology is theexponential growth equation, which is )N/)t =rmaxN This equation states that, in a growingpopulation, the rate of change in population size isdetermined by the maximal intrinsic rate ofincrease (rmax) multiplied by the number ofindividuals in that population (N).
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